Thursday, September 6, 2012

How Bodybuilding Can Help Decrease Risk of Developing Type 2 Diabetes

Bodybuilding to prevent diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is a silent health menace for many individuals. This condition is characterized by high blood sugar levels leading to many health issues such as cardiovascular disease, renal and kidney problems, blindness and other complications.
Diabetes is a metabolic condition where the body is unable to process blood sugar for the use by the body’s cells. This is due to the low levels or absence of the hormone insulin. The pancreas produces this hormone, which helps the cells utilize blood sugar for cellular functions and other processes. When the body is unable to metabolize blood sugar, cells wither and die due to lack of fuel, leading to the many illnesses associated with diabetes.
One way to prevent the development of Type 2 diabetes is through exercise. When one exercises, excess blood sugar is utilized by the body’s cells, thus lowering the amount of blood sugar in the blood stream. This enables the body to have thinner blood, allowing for oxygen and other nutrients to attach to the blood cells, instead of being overwhelmed by blood sugar.
When one engages in bodybuilding, a whole host of positive effects occur for the individual. Here are some of the following practices in bodybuilding that can help prevent the development of Type 2 diabetes in the individual.
  • Eating Healthy. Bodybuilding requires the individual to eat healthy food, such as those that are low in fat and calories. The focus for the bodybuilder, to build mass and muscle, is to eat fruits and vegetables, especially whole grains as this helps one achieve the Mr. Universe body being sought.
  • Being Active. With bodybuilding, the body is stretched and exercised allowing for the needed physical activity to lower the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. The warm up and the actual lifting of weights helps the body fortify itself against diseases such as diabetes.
  • Losing Weight. With the increased exercise and activity, coupled with the great diet, the individual would lose weight. Weight loss is key in the prevention of the development of diabetes. Many studies indicate that losing ten pounds is enough to prevent the development of diabetes.
  • Regular Check Ups. Even with all these, nothing would beat a full blood work up and a check up to determine the predisposition or risk in the developing diabetes. Having a check up every six months would be a good way to foresee any issues regarding the development of type 2 diabetes.
Colette Nelson
As can be seen, bodybuilding, when undertaken as a lifestyle, is one way of preventing the development of Type 2 diabetes for an individual. The healthier diet, the increased activity and exercise and the increased observation of bodily changes are ways to prevent the pernicious effects of this dreaded condition. This preventive measure is not just for the immediate future but also for the long-term health and well being of the individual.

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